Chatbot Trends 2022: 5 Key Insights Into Really Growing Your Business

5 min readSep 3, 2022


What are the top chatbot trends in 2022? What are the most important things that businesses must learn about chatbots, virtual assistants, and chatbots? In 2018, the European Chatbot and Conversational AI Summit offered a wealth of insights on past experiences along with current developments and the future of conversational AI. We’ve compiled the top five significant key learnings that will truly benefit your company.

In the last few years, government agencies, companies, and consumers from the private sector have been embracing chatbots as tools to assist them in solving issues, make their lives more efficient and help them save time. When chatbots are involved it has changed from “Should we make use of chatbots?” to “How can we make our chatbots more efficient?”.

Chatbot developments 2022: experts share lessons from their research, predictions, and insights

Therefore, it’s not a surprise the time that brands, developers, and researchers gathered during the European Chatbot and Conversational AI Summit it was precisely what they discussed. What can we do to improve the user-friendliness of chatbots? What role can data play in enhancing virtual assistants? And: how can human-bot-conversations become more natural? These were the topics that were the subject of several panel discussions, and we have selected the five most fascinating insights, discoveries, and chatbot-related trends in 2022 that could assist your company in taking your chatbots to the next step.

1. It is important to engage more with your chatbots in order for them to make them more friendly to users

Who is the person who’s responsible for the creation of an automated chatbot for a business? The tech team is it not? Wrong! It’s actually a process that requires many departments in a corporation for them to collaborate to develop an efficient bot. Designers bring technical knowledge on the table, sales and creative departments provide crucial insights into the customers. Creating successful conversations between humans and bots requires a collaborative and interdisciplinary effort of both technical teams as well as creative conversation design teams. Combining these various elements together will result in an excellent and friendly bot.

2. Chatbots must talk to users, not with them.

Another of the most important chatbot trends to watch in 2022 will be that chatbots will need to be more user-friendly and more interactive in order for customers and businesses to reap the benefits of their use.

When you approach customers at the beginning of a conversation by asking a list of questions and responses appears more like a robot is conversing with a human and not directly talking to them. This is fine, however, there is a major difference in the conversation since talking to customers implies that they are conversing with them at eye level. This makes the experience more pleasant for clients and boosts confidence in the machine.

3. Switch from chatbots that are neutral to chatbots that are engaging and captivating.

For a long period, businesses were taught that chatbots and virtual assistants had to be neutral. It turns out that many customers did not care about their chatbots. Learned lesson! And as many experts, therefore, pointed out at the summit: designing charismatic chatbots with positive personalities is very important to a better human-bot-interaction. People perceive charismatic personalities as attentive, helpful, and interested and will generate a greater positive reaction to chatbots. Making sure you concentrate on a positive character when developing a bot for your business will greatly enhance the experience of your customers.

4. Yes, there’s a thing as too much data for chatbots.

One of the most common beliefs when creating a chatbot is that the more data they can gather the better they’ll be able to work. After years of testing and experience, numerous designers and companies have pointed out that this isn’t necessarily accurate. it’s in fact more important to have the correct data instead of collecting information in a blind way that could cause the bot to become overwhelmed and cause it to slow down. For instance, when you notice that the flow of human-bot-conversations with your customers is often interrupted, it might be more helpful to focus on improving the quality of the data you use, rather than adding more. Take the lessons you’ve already gained and attempt to improve the existing procedures. This will increase the quality of your conversations more quickly.

5. Chatbot trends: Chatbots and voice aren’t the same

If you’ve ever attempted to use your chatbot to transform it into a vocal bot, or vice versa, you’ve probably noticed that it didn’t go very well. This isn’t unexpected! Voice and text are fundamentally different, and it is important to be aware of that when designing different kinds of bots. Not all conversations are designed in the same way.

For instance, users are used to short pauses when they communicate with a bot via chat platforms. There is no reason to be upset if the bot takes a few minutes to respond. However, when users speak to a voice assistant any longer interruption during the conversation could be seen as a sign of confusion, unfriendliness, or aggression, which is why it should be addressed. Instead of remaining silent when processing data, the voice assistant can be able to say, for instance, “let me check your details, and I’ll return.” It’s more in line with the way human agents behave and let the user be aware of the reason for the interruption in the conversation. One of the main differences between chatbots and voices is that humans interpret sound differently than text. People retain greater amounts of data when reading it. When they listen to music, the information needs to be broken down and repeated frequently. There are other elements, like dialects and accents that must be considered when creating voice assistants. When designing different bots for customers, ensure you think about the different kinds of communication as well.


It’s the errors and the obstacles we have to overcome during the process that allows us to understand how we can make bots more effective for customers as well as for businesses.

This is a positive message to businesses, as it implies that you shouldn’t be hesitant to introduce chatbots if you keep the following elements in your mind:

· Engage the team of tech and creative in the design process.

· Chatbots should be more interactive

· Make your bots more charismatic

· When you’re dealing with data, you should focus on quality, not quantity.

· Learn to distinguish between written and oral communication

Utilizing the insights gained of these insights from the European Chatbot and Conversational AI Summit can help you create quality and user-friendly bots that will benefit both your customers and you even more in the near future.




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