Everywhere, people speak about the value of satisfying a consumer with its services and goods. We always converse about how important it is to make a customer happy and fulfil all their needs, and this is how we maintain good engagement and increase business revenues.
As businesses prioritize the experience clients have with their brand, in the long run, everybody profits. So why is it not that every business is hyper-focused on providing a great customer experience? We’ll discuss why the latest battleground for market differentiation is customer service, and how businesses can compete.
Every time we interact with a user, it creates an impression!
These brief interactions have a significant influence on how customer view the brand, whether they place an order, talk with a live executive, visit a shop, or browse a website. Customers are exposed to countless touchpoints as companies pass through each stage of the customer journey, which ultimately makes up our overall experience with that brand.
The Term, Customer Experience
Although the word is relatively recent, the premise is not that customer service has been around as long as companies have. But as innovations have arisen and the needs of consumers have grown with them, the standards have also fundamentally shifted as to what a great customer experience looks like.
5 Explanations why the next global battleground is Customer Experience
- Profitable customer retention
If we search for a reason why a customer will switch from you to other competitors, then a bad customer experience is the primary reason.
Therefore, the need of the hour is to provide a good customer experience. Great customer service tends to attract more clients, they do not need to look elsewhere, their excellent customer service helps them keep more consumers safe. Brand loyalty is also built up, thereby increasing repeat purchases and order sizes.
2. Remove unnecessary obstacles
There is a possibility that many times a user might not be complaining about your services. If companies do not hear such issues, they believe that they are providing a satisfactory experience to the customers. However, this is far from reality, more dissatisfied users instead feel helpless and frustrated because they cannot find a fast fix and didn’t get a solution to their problems. Therefore, they find it easier to shut their voices and don’t talk anything about it.
It is important for a business to make sure that their customers are not facing any such obstacles and they are open to them regarding their issues. A good customer experience is not when your customers are satisfied, it is when even they have any problem and they are comfortable to share.
3. Be a good listener
Optimizing your experience to listen to the complaints will significantly increase customer satisfaction and retention. Becoming more empathic with your customers. Since users track complaints and brand responses in social media, they have a fair evaluation of the response rate and resolution of the complaint.
4. Customer Lifetime Value
Isn’t it obvious that you automatically raise your CLV by delivering a better customer experience? Even if real incentives are offered, consumers would not want to move to other brands. In other words, an absolute allegiance to the brand will be established.
It’s not a perfect long-term strategy if you are growing at a rapid pace and have a large number of the user but none of them is paying users. CLV helps you to determine how many consumers trust your brand and how much you are prepared to pay for newly acquired users.
Customer life value cannot be manipulated with rewards, because it is dependent on repeated sales and not on a single initial purchase. It can be constructed only by continuously delivering what customers want.
5. Don’t be shy to go extra
Many organizations are reluctant to go that extra mile for their customers as they think that it will bring a lot to the operating cost. Marketers are sometimes told to deceive consumers to mislead them, simply to boost sales. Sales manager are also guided to close consumer inquiries so that more clients be served quickly. While these strategies undoubtedly provide short-term quantitative growth, they do not generate qualitative growth for the long term
It is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish yourself from other firms. Yet, there is a major competitive advantage and consumer interaction are the ideal instrument to make you stand out.
89% of businesses are supposed to compete primarily with their customers; companies that are serious about their customers will differentiate themselves from the noise and win over loyal customers.
Therefore, Customer Experience is the new criteria to evaluate your business efficiency and productivity. Hence, the next major battlefield to conquer for companies and brands is customer experience.